Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct, or our code of conduct, is a statement by which a stakeholder promises to abide by certain agreements. At Life & Mobility, we follow the GMH: Medical Devices Code of Conduct.
This code of conduct covers statements about medical devices in the broadest sense. In addition, this code of conduct provides standards for responsible interactions between suppliers and healthcare professionals.
A good relationship between suppliers and healthcare professionals who use, apply, prescribe or (help) select medical devices is useful and necessary. However, given the commercial and public health interests involved, this relationship must be conducted responsibly and carefully. Advertising and influencing are permitted, but the basic principle is that the client must be able to trust that decisions regarding a particular device or technology are made on the basis of care-related, honest grounds. This means on the basis of good, reliable information and without undesirable financial incentives.
By signing the code of conduct, suppliers, healthcare professionals, and healthcare institutions commit themselves to complying with the established code of conduct rules.
The rules of conduct laid down in this code of conduct are intended – in addition to the applicable legislation* – to give further substance to careful, transparent and responsible dealings between suppliers of medical devices and the parties involved in the decision-making about their purchase and/or application. Regardless of the setting in which they operate. By signing the code of conduct, suppliers, healthcare professionals and healthcare institutions commit to complying with the rules of conduct set out therein. These are based on reciprocity; what one party may not offer or give, the other party may not request or accept.
*EU Directive 94/42 (NB:MDR/IVDR), Medical Devices Act, Article 10h favoritism, Medical Devices Decree, Article 16b TBZ and policy rules on favoritism medical devices. Summarized in the medical devices codes of conduct. If you comply with the GMD, you comply with the law.
(Favoritism involves offering or accepting money, services or goods with the apparent purpose of promoting the sale of a medical device).
Compliance with the code of conduct is overseen by an independent code committee and the Appeals Commission. The manner in which that supervision is designed is regulated in the regulations of the Code Commission and Appeals Committee of the GMH Foundation.